• Katholische Pfarrkirchenstiftung Hausen a. A.

    Check credit rating Timeline
    Check credit ratingCredit rating
    Register number: CH-
    Sector: Religious, political or secular associations


    Network: All the connections at a glance

    With this network, you can see all links between companies and persons at a glance.

    The maximum of the 250 newest active and 50 inactive connections can be displayed.

    Active companies in the neighbourhood

    Source: SOGC

    0 active companies with same domicile: Bifangstrasse 4, 8915 Hausen am Albis

    No active companies known with same domicile.

    10 active companies on the same street: Bifangstrasse, 8915 Hausen am Albis

    ADVE GmbH in Liquidation
    Bifangstrasse 1
    Jaquet Parkett + Bodenbeläge GmbH
    Bifangstrasse 2
    Munay Amazonas
    Bifangstrasse 6
    Sandra Keller Immo
    Bifangstrasse 11
    Beat Scheidegger Coaching und Beratung
    Bifangstrasse 13
    Cornel Waser Fotografie GmbH
    Bifangstrasse 19
    Bifangstrasse 19
    zyber GmbH
    Bifangstrasse 21
    digx GmbH
    Bifangstrasse 23
    carus GmbH
    Bifangstrasse 29