Credit rating
Package: for CHF 99.00
Single query with premium membership: CHF 19.00
Single query without premium membership: CHF 19.00
Evaluation of credit rating with a traffic light as a risk indicator and further information.
Protect yourself against financial damages and gain clarity about your customers and business partners.
Package: for CHF 99.00
Single query with premium membership: CHF 19.00
Single query without premium membership: CHF 19.00
Evaluation of credit rating with a traffic light as a risk indicator and further information.
Payment behaviour
Package: for CHF 99.00
Single query with premium membership: CHF 19.00
Single query without premium membership: for CHF 24.00
Evaluation of payment behaviour based on past invoices.
Economic information
Economic information
for CHF 49.00
Comprehensive information about the economic situation of a company.
Shareholder information
Shareholder information
for CHF 19.00
Listing of all company participations of a joint stock company.
Payment collection
Payment collection
for CHF 26.00
Overview of current and past debt enforcement proceedings.
Proof of valid interest
Due to data protection regulations, you can only request information which you are entitled to (e.g. in the case of a contractual relationship). You must specify a reason for querying credit rating, payment behaviour or economic information. To order a payment collection information, you must be able to submit a proof of your interest (e.g. inquiry, order, invoice or contract). Learn more
Do you have any questions or would you like further information?
Arrange a free consultation appointment directly online or contact us:
Telephone: +41 44 258 28 77 or by email:
Monday-Friday: 8:30am to 11:30am and 1:30pm to 4:30pm