• Dukascopy Bank SA

    Check credit rating Timeline
    Check credit ratingCredit rating
    Register number: CH-660.1.823.004-9
    Sector: Operation of banks and credit institutions

    Age of the company

    20 years

    Turnover in CHF


    Capital in CHF

    22,0 Mio.



    Active brands


    Reports for Dukascopy Bank SA

    *displayed reports are examples

    Credit rating information

    Evaluation of credit rating with traffic light as risk indicator and other helpful data about the company.
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    Economic information

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    Payment behaviour

    Assessment of the payment behaviour based on past invoices.
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    Payment collection information

    Overview of current and past debt enforcement proceedings.
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    Shareholder Information

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    Company dossier as PDF

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    About Dukascopy Bank SA

    • Dukascopy Bank SA is active in the industry «Operation of banks and credit institutions» and is currently active. The legal headquarters are in Meyrin.
    • The company was founded on 02.11.2004.
    • Under «Notifications» you can see all modifications to the commercial register entry. The most recent modification was on 08.02.2024.
    • The company is registered in the commercial register of the Canton of GE under the UID CHE-112.086.322.
    • The company Dukascopy Bank SA has currently registered 14 different trademarks or applications for trademarks.

    Commercial register information

    Source: SOGC


    Operation of banks and credit institutions

    Purpose (Original language)

    Exploitation d'une banque axée principalement sur le négoce des devises, des matières premières et des valeurs mobilières ainsi que gestion de fortune soumise à la loi sur les banques et à la loi sur les bourses; exploitation d'une plateforme de négoce de devises, de métaux précieux et de valeurs mobilières (cf. statuts pour but complet).

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    Source: SOGC

    Current auditor (1)
    Name City Since Until
    Lancy 29.06.2009

    Would you like to adjust the auditors? Click here.

    Former auditor (1)
    Name City Since Until
    SCF Révision SA
    Genève 08.11.2004 28.06.2009

    Other company names

    Source: SOGC

    Past and translated company names

    • Dukascopy Bank AG
    • Dukascopy Bank Inc.
    • Dukascopy Bank Ltd
    • Dukascopy Suisse SA
    • Forex Consulting SA
    Would you like to update the company name? Click here.

    Branches (1)

    Ownership structure

    No information on the ownership structure is known to us.


    No information on holdings is known to us.


    Source: Swissreg
    Trademark Registration date Status Number
    DUKAS 31.08.2020 active 03920/2020
    DUKAS 31.08.2020 active 03920/2020

    Newest SOGC notifications: Dukascopy Bank SA

    The latest updates from the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SOGC) are available in the original language of the source commercial register office only. View all notifications

    SOGC 240208/2024 - 08.02.2024
    Categories: Change in management

    Publication number: HR02-1005956726, Commercial Registry Office Geneva, (660)

    Dukascopy Bank SA, à Meyrin, CHE-112.086.322 (FOSC du 12.05.2023, p. 0/1005745613). Duka Andrey est maintenant domicilié à Tremezzina, ITA, et Duka Veronika est maintenant domicilié à Campione Italia, ITA.

    SOGC 230512/2023 - 12.05.2023
    Categories: Change in management

    Publication number: HR02-1005745613, Commercial Registry Office Geneva, (660)

    Dukascopy Bank SA, à Meyrin, CHE-112.086.322 (FOSC du 09.06.2021, p. 0/1005211888). Bagautdinovs Andrejs porte maintenant le nom de Bagautdinov Andrei et est maintenant originaire de Nyon.

    SOGC 210609/2021 - 09.06.2021
    Categories: Change in management

    Publication number: HR02-1005211888, Commercial Registry Office Geneva, (660)

    Dukascopy Bank SA, à Meyrin, CHE-112.086.322 (FOSC du 20.11.2020, p. 0/1005028553). Giacoletto-Roggio Enrico, de Bernex, à Lancy, est membre du conseil d'administration avec signature collective à deux.

    Hit list

    Here you will find a link from the management to a hit list of persons with the same name who are registered in the commercial register.
